Your mom lives alone, and that’s what she’s always wanted. You’re worried about her being alone every day, so why not arrange home care assistance? Here are the many benefits she gains.
Help With Personal Care
If your mom has a hard time showering without someone to support her as she gets in and out of the shower, she’ll have that help with home care services. She never has to be afraid of slipping and falling.
Your mom’s caregiver can help her wash her hair, dry off, and get dressed. If arthritis pain keeps her from being able to properly brush and floss her teeth, her caregiver can help with oral care tasks.
Her caregiver can also help her change if she experiences incontinence and has an accident. If she needs help styling her hair, her caregiver is there to help her.
Help With Meals
Instead of struggling to make a nutritious meal, your mom’s caregiver can cook meals for her. Her caregivers will talk to her about what she wants to eat, cook meals for her, and clean up after the meal. If she doesn’t like to eat alone, her caregiver will join her.
If there are food items needed at the grocery store, her caregiver can pick them up or take your mom shopping. Back at home, her caregiver carries everything in and puts it away.
Help With Housekeeping and Laundry
Housekeeping tasks like vacuuming, dusting, sweeping, and dishes are taken care of by your mom’s caregiver. She also has a caregiver to change her sheets, do the laundry, fold everything, and put it away.
If your mom has a dishwasher, her caregiver can load it, set it to run, and put everything away when it’s dry. Her caregiver can take out the trash and recyclables and bring in the mail.
Help With Transportation
Your mom’s transportation needs are taken care of with home care assistance help. Her caregiver can drive her to area stores and businesses, medical appointments, and senior centers for social activities.
Help With Scheduling
Does your mom have a hard time scheduling appointments? If she finds it especially difficult to schedule appointments using an online system, home care aides are a big help. They can walk her through the steps to log in to her account and confirm an appointment.
Caregivers also help her keep track of when appointments are coming up. They’ll even help her arrange follow-up care if needed.
Talk to a home care assistance advisor about your mom’s care needs. You’ll work together to come up with a comprehensive care plan that offers just enough support without making her feel helpless. With home care assistance, your mom can age at home without anxiety or difficulty.
If you or an aging loved-one is considering Home Care Assistance in Pinecrest, FL please contact the caring staff at Elite Care At Home today at (305) 231-0555.